Wednesday, June 18, 2008

today's blurglely happenings

i stole my driver's handbook back from hodgepodge today. it was very gratifying, seeing as i did it during lunch so he wouldn't see, and the Laurens and i were meandering through the classroom in distinct boredom and i had taken it upon myself to find out who'd taken my book. (how DARE someone steal a book from me!?!?! I practically MAKE OUT with them. only not.)

what's really entertaining is that before it was stolen from me, i wrote my name on the inside cover. in pen.

and now it has a piece of masking tape on the front that says tyler hodgeton on it. i haven't said anything to him yet, though if i do i expect it shall be along the lines of, "thanks for returning my handbook, tyler, i was really missing it."

and interesting fact:
One notable cottage cheese lover was Richard M. Nixon, who was notorious for eating his cheese covered with ketchup.

and on another note, i had grapes thrown at me at lunch today, and not by accident. they were thrown from the table of the group of boys in our grade. at first they were aiming for the table between ours and theirs, but then i got pegged rather distinctly a few times. and from their table were heard comments along the lines of "yes!" and "you got her!"

my reply? "thank you, dumbasses."

with emphasis.

i said it kind of loud. it's a good thing there were no little children running around or what have you.

they spazzed out when i said it, i think they were a bit surprised. Samantha A. from the table between was heard to be saying, "I've never heard her cuss before!"

is this any fault of mine? because i'm pretty fucking sure i cuss quite often. i think this is not a lack of profanity on my part, merely a lack of spatial and social observance on hers.

whatever, it was a pretty sodding* vindictive day on my part.

for those of you who don't know, sodding is a british slang term. it comes from the word "sodomy". you probably know what this means, at least to some degree.

who knew buttsecks were so commonly mentioned in public?

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

herlo and welcome

hlr. (that's huluhr to you phoneticians)

if you know me you know that i actually don't believe in blogs.

however, i'm bored, so today i DO believe in
blurgs. i really can't say whether or not i will tomorrow, though.

As you may notice, the name of the blog seems to be a blatant poserness of LaBlogXtine.
It's not really.

and besides, this is no commonwealth, normal blog.
this is a

and if it is, it's only because of my lack of creativity when it comes to anything like naming a blurg.


anyways, because of the whole thingy about the assholes on other people's blogs, you can't be anonymous on here. sowwies about that, too, unless you're one of the assholes and then i am in no ways sorry at all.



really bored. is it that easy to tell?



driver's ed is reallly boring. i don't know if everyone's aware of that. but it is.


there was a blue-tailed-skink in the FC classroom today (where i'm taking driver's ed.)
it was in the window blinds. as in, peeking out and rather difficult to remove.

antic and general uproar ensued.

there was a dead spider hanging from the cup it was captured in. it almost hit dear L.M. in the head.

i scored a 91 on my first test today.


and i'm bored.
did i mention that i'm eating cottage cheese?


i wonder why it's called that...

oh well.


i have spent much too much of my time with my gamecube playing Zelda: the Wind Waker. i am buying Mario Party 7 tomorrow.



i should probably work on cleaning my room now. but i have season 1 disc 2 of Arrested Development to watch, so aloha my dearies.

ss, tt.